Analyzing business ownership demographics from Annual Business Survey

using 2018 census ABS data

Becoming a lifelong R learner

This is my second blog reflecting my RStudio::Conf 2020 experience. Check out my previous one on five great R tips I learned. One of the best thing about R is a thriving R communtiy that constantly offers new packages and tools. For R beginners, There are tons of awesome tutorials on how to get started, but what's next? How do you find out what you don't know, and keep up with all the latest updates?

How RStudio::Conf 2020 has changed my (R programming) life

This year I had the opportunity to attend the RStudio::Conf as one of the Diversity Scholarship recipients . Like most of the R users, I'm largely self-taught with weird gaps and false beliefs about R. Furthermore, the open source nature of R language also makes it hard to catch up with all the latest updates and trends that are most relevent. Attending conference turned out to be a great way to recognize my limitations, and be aware of all the new developments.